Debi Jacobs www.karmacoons.com
Osteen, Fl 32764 karmacoons@gmail.com
Buyer: _____________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Address: ____________________________________ E-Mail: ____________________
Dam: ________________________________ Sire: ____________________________
Cat/Kitten: __________ Sex: ________ Color: _______________ DOB: __________
Sale Price: _________ Deposit: __________ Balance due at time of delivery: _________
Air shipping and carrier charges if applicable: ___________. To be paid by BUYER, if the contract is mailed, it must be signed and returned with the deposit within TEN DAYS (10). This deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE. The purpose of this deposit is to assure the buyer that the kitten of his/her choice is no longer made available to other buyers. Placing a deposit implies sale. Buyers are encouraged not to sign a contract if they are not certain they want the kitten.
This purebred Maine Coon Cat is sold as a pet, to be cared for in the Purchaser’s home and given frequent kind human attention. The purchaser(s) agrees not to breed this cat, and to have the cat altered by the age of six months, if it has not been altered by the time of sale.
The cat/kitten goes home with a Florida Health Certificate and immunizations with the exception of Rabies and Feline Leukemia. All health guarantees are void if the cat is given the FELV or FIP vaccine. New owners are required to have their own veterinarian confirm the kitten’s good health within three days after the cat/kitten goes home. Buyers should return any kitten if their veterinarian states in writing that the animal has a serious health problem. Upon return and examination by the breeder’s veterinarian, the buyer may decide to exchange the kitten for another kitten if both parties agree, or the breeder will refund the purchase price, less the deposit, within thirty days of the kitten’s return.
The buyer agrees to pay cost of usual kittenhood upsets, distresses, or common developmental systems. The Cat/Kitten is sold as an indoor pet only. Allowing the pet to roam is a violation of the contract. De-clawing and tendonectomies are prohibited.
The purchaser(s) further agrees under no circumstances will the cat be abandoned, or given or sold to a shelter, a pet store, laboratory or research facility of any kind, without first giving the Breeder the right to re-purchase the cat at no more than the original purchase price paid by the Purchaser(s).
At the time of delivery, the cat/kitten is guaranteed to be FELV and FIV negative and free from viral and bacterial diseases, fungus infections, and internal parasites. Disclaimer: All Karmacoons breeding cats are screened for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, both known genetic diseases in the Maine Coons. Although parents are screened and cleared there is no guarantee that this cat could not develop this disease. The Breeder Guarantee Waives All guarantees given by the Florida State Lemon Law.
It is the intent of the Breeder and the Purchaser(s) that this agreement shall constitute a legally binding contract, representing the entire agreement between the parties. Neither party shall have the right to modify it except by mutual agreement in writing. Cost of shipping and carrier’s are buyer’s responsibility and to be paid in advance. Other than those listed, no promises are made concerning this cat/kitten. By signing this agreement the Purchaser(s) acknowledges that he/she has read, fully understands, agrees to and has received a copy of this agreement. The contract must be signed and dated by both parties listed below or the contract will be void.
Buyer’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________
Breeder’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________
Date Cat/Kitten is to go home: _______________________
Special Arrangements for pickup: Kitten is to be picked up by the buyer